
It’s a commonly accepted opinion that “labels” are very evil. Not many people like the labels they’ve been given by the society. Fag, nerd, wuss… A complex, layered person broken down to a single word, a single trait that makes the person different from others, the only trait the person doing the labelling was able to see. It all happens because people find labels convenient, give them a sense of security, we all know what a label entails, the fear of the unknown is gone.

Therein lies my problem, since I know I will be labelled, I decided to choose the lesser evil and accept some of alternate labels so that the “most dangerous one” would become less prominent, fully aware of how futile this attempt may be.

For this reason, I have decided to offer up a few labels, each and every one sticks. The list is not finite, but these are the main traits I like to identify, and since I have to be labelled, I prefer to do it myself.


Gay – because I like boys, even though the alternative rocker in me prevents me from enjoying dance music, whilst the geek in my disturbs my fashion sense.

Geek – because I’m overly obsessed with technology and computers, even though I don’t wear glasses and I hate maths, which are supposedly necessary conditions for geekiness

Gamer – because I’m prepared to spend hours on end at my computer or playing a game console, even though I’m not a child anymore, nor I attend LAN parties

Technophile – because I need three computers in my house, I have to have all sorts of gadgets and hardware I may not actually need, because I want to know all about tech stuff

SF Freak – because I love science fiction/speculative fiction, and because (science) fiction novels, stories, series and movies provide a deserved break from reality

Alternative rocker – because I listen to indie/rock, even though I grew into this and didn’t always do this…

Prihvaćeno je mišljenje da su “etikete” nešto zlo. Malo tko uživa u etiketama koje im je prišilo društvo. Peder, štreber, pičkica… Složena i slojevita osoba je svedena na jednu jedinu riječ, jednu njezinu osobinu koja se ističe iznad drugih, jedinu osobinu koju je opažač bio u stanju zamijetiti. Sve se to događa jer su etikete ljudima zgodne, jer im daju osjećaj sigurnosti, svi znamo točno što se podrazumijeva pod nekom etiketom, nema straha od nepoznatoga.

Tu sam naišao na problem, jer znam da će me se etiketirati, pa sam po principu većeg i manjeg zla radije prihvatio neke druge etikete, sve kako bi ona “najopasnija” pala u drugi plan, svjestan kako se radi o uzaludnom pokušaju.

Odlučio sam, stoga, ponuditi skupinu etiketa na raspolaganje, sve mi se mogu zalijepiti. Popis nije konačan, ali ovo su glavne osobine s kojima se ja sam volim identificirati, jer kad već etikete moram imati, radije ću ih si prišiti sam.


Gej – jer se palim na dečke, iako mi u obožavanju plesne glazbe smeta alternativac, a u smislu za odijevanje geek

Geek – jer sam pretjerano opsjednut tehnikom i računalima, iako ne nosim naočale i ne volim matematiku, što su navodno preduvjeti za gikovštinu

Gejmer – jer sam spreman provesti sate i sate pred pred računalom ili uz igraću konzolu, iako više nisam dijete i ne idem na LAN partyje

Tehnofil – jer mi treba više računala u kući, jer moram imati sve moguće elektroničke igračkice i hardver koji mi treba i ne, jer želim znati sve o tehnologiji

SF Freak – jer obožavam znanstvenu fantastiku/spekulativnu fikciju, jer mi (znanstveno)fantastične novele, romani, serije, filmovi i igre pružaju zasluženi odmor od stvarnosti

Alternativac – jer slušam “alternativnu” glazbu indie i rock usmjerenja, iako je to došlo s godinama i nisam to oduvijek činio

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