Disaster: Day of Crisis

Bromance Mountain

Disaster: Day of Crisis Tile

Radnja akcionih filmova devedesetih, homoerotika Top Guna i grafika s početka tisućljeća ne moraju nužno biti loša stvar. Posebno ako se radi o video-igri u kojoj igrate kao pristojno razbacani, tetovirani, bradati bivši marinac s anime frizurom. Slijedi kratak osvrt na igru Disaster: Day of Crisis, nedavno objavljenoj na konzoli Nintendo Wii u Europi. Recenzija je u planu ako i kada dovršim igru.

Raymond Bryce

Da pojasnim uvodnu rečenicu. Radnja ‘akcića’ je po tome što je glavni lik bivši marinac Raymond Bryce, koji napušta vojsku i postaje član službe spašavanja. Na jednoj akciji on i njegov partner zaglave u podnožju vulkana koji treba erumpirati. Partner mu govori da mu pripazi na sestru ‘ako se nešto dogodi’ i u skladu s naputcima iz knjige Pisanje akcijskih scenarija, poglavlju o najčešćim klišejima i pisanju plošnih kilova, Ray ga ne uspijeva spasiti. Godinu dana kasnije nakon tragične pogibije njegovog partnera, Ray je napustio službu spašavanja, ali zovu ga u pomoć kada izvjesna (zločinačka) organizacija otme jednog znanstvenika i sestru poginulog mu partnera koju on treba čuvati. I sad, on ih lovi, oni love njega, a u gradu požari, oluje, tsunamiji, vulkanske erupcije i sijaset drugih problema.

Grafika s početka tisućljeća možda je malčice paušalna i pretjerana ocjena, međutim govorimo i igri za Nintendo Wii, na kojemu ne možemo očekivati čuda. Slike u članku izvučene su iz cutscena, koje su unaprijed renderirane u igri, ali koristeći originalni engine igre. U prijevodu – sama igra izgleda slično ovome, samo malo ružnije.

Raymond Bryce

Disaster: Day of Crisis razvio je japanski studio Monolith Soft, poznat po serijalu Xenosaga. Japanski developeri imaju povijest produkcije igara i interaktivnih romana sa slučajnim ili namjernim homoerotskim elementima (npr. Junjou Romanchika, prema istoimenoj yaoi mangi/animeu), pa nije uopće čudno da su takvi elementi prisutni i u ovakvoj avanturi. Iz cheesy dijaloga da se iščitati prava romansa, ukoliko vas to zabavlja. A mene, očito, zabavlja.

U nastavku donosim nekoliko ilustriranih dijaloga, izvučenih iz konteksta kako bih bolje dokazao poantu.

Primjer prvi: Ray bodri jednoga tipa kojeg spašavaju dok ga izvlače helikopterom.

RAY: Slušaj, neću dozvoliti da padnete, u redu? Čak i da krenete padati, skočio bih i ulovio vas, bez brige.


STEVE: “Skočio bih i ulovio vas?” To je tako slatko! Bit ćeš tom tipu simpatija za Valentinovo, Ray.


Ray: Je, pravi sam sretnik, ne?

Primjer drugi: Helikopter je srušen i Steve tješi Raya.

RAY: Nismo ih mogli spasiti. Svi ti ljudi u helikopteru, oni su… Dovraga!

STEVE: Partneru, moraš to zaboraviti. Ti nisi superjunak. Ne možeš sve spasiti.

You can't save everyone...

Primjer treći: Ozlijeđeni Steve moli Raya za uslugu.

STEVE: Ray, učini nešto za mene. Ako se ne izvučem, daj ovo mojoj sestrici. Nešto po čemu će me se sjećati.

Give this to my sister

RAY: Hej, prestani tako govoriti-

STEVE: Za svaki slučaj, Ray, molim te! Slušaj, ona nema druge obitelji osim mene. Ako se bilo što dogodi, želim da je čuvaš, u redu? Čak i ako ćeš joj samo pričati naše glupe nogometne priče iz srednje škole.

RAY: Razlog više da preživiš. Uostalom, misliš da bi stvarno željela čuti kako smo…

I didn't think so

RAY: Nisam ni mislio.

Detalje o tome što su njih dvojica radili zajedno u srednjoj školi ostat će vječni misterij…

Za kraj članka, cijeli uvodni dio igre, u kojemu možete sve ovo pogledati u kontekstu i zaključiti koliko su muškoljubavni elementi u igri zapravo očiti. Isječak traje nešto ispod 10 minuta i sadrži moguće spoilere, ukoliko spoilerom smatrate nešto što saznate u prvih 15 minuta filma.


Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot Disaster: Day of Crisis Screenshot Raymond Bryce Disaster: Day of Crisis

Bromance Mountain

Disaster: Day of Crisis Tile

Cheap B-production action movie script, homoerotic subtext worthy of Top Gun and graphics quality from the turn of the century needn’t necessarily make a bad combination. Especially if it’s a video game which lets you play as a nicely buff, tattoed, bearded ex-marine with anime hair. This is a short preview of Disaster: Day of Crisis, a video game recently published on Nintendo Wii in Europe and Japan. I plan on doing a full review if and when I finish the game.

Raymond Bryce

Allow me to explain. The B-action-movie-script features Raymond Bryce, ex-marine who leaves the military to work for the International Rescue Team, as the main character. During one mission, Ray and his partner get stuck at the foot of a volcano about to erupt. His partner Steve asks him to look after his sister ‘if something happens’, and in accordance to the rules from the Action Script Cliché And One-Dimensional Character Handbook, Ray fails to save his life. A year later after his partner’s tragic death, Ray is no longer a member of the rescue team, but he is called in when a certain (crime) organization kindaps a scientist and his former partner’s sister. So he is after them, they are after him, and the city is raging with fires, storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and a multitude of other disasters.

The turn-of-the-century graphics are maybe an overstatement, but this is a game on the Nintendo Wii, so we can’t expect miracles. The screenshots in this article are taken out of cutscenes, which, although pre-rendered, were done using the game engine. This basically means that the game looks something like this, only slighty worse.

Raymond Bryce

Disaster: Day of Crisis was developed by the Japanese company Monolith Soft, known for Xenosaga. Japanese developers have a history of producing video games and interactive novels with blatant or hidden homoerotic content (e.g. Junjou Romanchika, based on an eponymous yaoi manga/anime), so it’s no wonder that such elements can be found in an adventure game such as this. The cheesy dialogues hide a true bromance, if one is idle enough to look for it. And I’m clearly both idle enough and amused enough by it.

Let us look at several illustrated dialogues from the game, blatantly taken out of context to better prove a point.

Ex. 1: Ray is cheering up a guy he is rescuing, and who’s about to be flown out on a chopper.

RAY: Listen, I’m not gonna let you fall, okay? And even if you did fall, I’d jump out there and catch you, no sweat.


STEVE: “Jump out there and catch you?” Oooh, that is so sweet! You’re gonna be that guy’s valentine, Ray.


Ray: Yeah, lucky me, huh?

Ex. 2: The helicopter was destroyed, and Steve is trying to console Ray.

RAY: We couldn’t save them. All those people on the helicopter, they’re… Dammit!

STEVE: You gotta let it go, partner. You aren’t a superhero. You can’t save everyone.

You can't save everyone...

Ex. 3: Injured Steve is asking Ray to do him a favour.

STEVE: Hey, Ray. I want you to do something for me. If I don’t make it, give this to my little sister. Something for her to remember me by.

Give this to my sister

RAY: Hey, quit talking like that-

STEVE: Just in case, Ray, please! Listen, I’m all the family she’s got left. If anything happens, I want you to look after her, okay? Even if it’s just to tell her our stupid high school football stories.

RAY: All the more reason for you to survive. Besides, does she really want to hear about the time we…

I didn't think so

RAY: I didn’t think so.

Details on what exactly those two did together in high school will remain a mystery forever…

Finally, here’s the entire prologue to the game, where you can see the whole thing in context and find out how obvious the manlove in the game is, if any. The clip is little short of ten minutes long, and may contain spoilers, if you consider something you see in the first 15 minutes of a film a spoiler.


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